Det går ju fort med så luftiga varv. Kanten kommer bli bred i vitt.
I received an order for a baby blanket in neutral colors, because Mom does not know what the sex of her baby. I make it in "Svarta Fåret Baby" yarn and on the two evenings I have crocheted, it has grown considerably.It is rally easy and fast crocheted with spacious rounds. The edge will be wide in white.Mönster:Varv 1: luftmaskkedja, så lång du vill ha filten bred. Enklast är att ha antal maskor som man kan dela med 4 eftersom mönsterdelen är 4 lm bred.
varv 2: Gör en stolpe i 4:e maskan från nålen, 2 lm, 1 st i samma maska som den första. Gör nu en stolgrupp i var 4:e lm *1 st, 2lm, 1 st*. I sista maskan görs 2 stolpar.
varv 3: Gör 3 lm och gör sedan en stolpe emellan förra varvets 2 sista stolpar. Gör sedan en stolpe runt luftmaskbågen i varvet under, 2 lm och sedan en stolpe till i samma luftmaskbåge, gör sedan en stolpgrupp i varje luftmaskbåge på föregående varv. I sista maskan görs 2 stolpar.
varv 4 osv är upprepning på varv 3.
Virkaholic's Cellular Blanket
I received an order for a baby blanket in neutral colors, because Mom does not know what the sex of her baby. I make it in "Svarta Fåret Baby" yarn and on the two evenings I have crocheted, it has grown considerably.It is rally easy and fast crocheted with spacious rounds. The edge will be wide in white.
Round 1: Make a chain of chain stitches, as long as you want the blanket wide. If you make the number of stitches divisible with 4, it is easier, the patternpart i 4 ch st wide.
Round 2: Make 1 dc in 4th stitch from hook, 2 ch st, 1 dc in the same stitch as the first dc. Make *1 dc, 2 ch st, 1 dc* in every 4th ch st. Make 2 dc in the last ch st. Turn
Round 3: Make 3 ch st and then 1 dc between the last 2 dc in previous round. Make *1 dc, 2 ch st, 1 dc* in every chain stitch loop in previous round. Make 2 dc in the last ch st. Turn.
Repeat round 3 to make the rest of the blanket.
Round 1: Make a chain of chain stitches, as long as you want the blanket wide. If you make the number of stitches divisible with 4, it is easier, the patternpart i 4 ch st wide.
Round 2: Make 1 dc in 4th stitch from hook, 2 ch st, 1 dc in the same stitch as the first dc. Make *1 dc, 2 ch st, 1 dc* in every 4th ch st. Make 2 dc in the last ch st. Turn
Round 3: Make 3 ch st and then 1 dc between the last 2 dc in previous round. Make *1 dc, 2 ch st, 1 dc* in every chain stitch loop in previous round. Make 2 dc in the last ch st. Turn.
Repeat round 3 to make the rest of the blanket.
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