Jag gjorde så här:
- lägg upp en luftmaskkedja så lång som du vill ha filten bred.
- Jag virkade tre stolpar i 3 maskan från virknålen.
- Jag fortsatte första varvet med att virka *3 st i samma maska, hoppa över 3 lm* på resten av luftmaskkedjan.
First of all, I want to say thanks to -Stickig- that helped me with the moment I got stuck on and that gave me the idea
I did this:
- Make a chain of chainstich aslong as you want the blanket wide.
- I crocheted three dc in third stich from hook.
- I went on the first lap to crochet *3 dc in same stitch, skip 3 stiches* in the rest of the chainstitch chain.
When you turn, end with either a dc or a group of dc, and begins the next round with 3 ch, which is the first dc.
1 kommentar:
tack, kanon
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